FAQs How do I find the electronic Instructions for Use for a specific product? Choose the respective category eIFU page and filter by product name, language, or use the search bar. If unsure of the category associated with the product you are looking for, use the main site search bar. Please note, not all Anika products have an eIFU available on this website. Why is the product not listed in my country? Not all Anika products have an eIFU available on this website. Some products may not be available in all markets. Product availability is subject to the regulatory clearances in individual markets. What if I can’t find the eIFU for my product? Not all Anika products have an eIFU available on this website. If you do not find the eIFU you are searching for, please contact your sales representative or go to the Contact Us page. Can I use the Instructions for Use from another country? No, you may only use the Instructions for Use that are approved by the regulatory body in your country or territory. How do I view electronic Instructions for Use? Search for the eIFU, then click on the link to view or download the PDF. The PDF will display in your web browser. How do I view previous revisions of Instructions for Use? Search for the product. If there are any previous eIFU revisions available, there will be a dropdown for older revisions. How do I know if the Instructions for Use have been revised? The current revision will always be the primary PDF available. If any previous eIFU revisions are available, there will be a dropdown for older revisions. How do I download electronic Instructions for Use? Click to view the PDF. Then click the download icon in the top right to download. Please note, PDF files require Adobe Acrobat which can be downloaded from the Adobe website. Click here to download. How do I print electronic Instructions for Use? Click to view the PDF. Then click the print icon in the top right to print. How do I request a paper copy of Instructions for Use? Click on Contact Us, or click on the “Request Printed Copy of IFU” button at the bottom of each eIFU page. You may then either call the phone number listed or email to request a paper copy of an IFU. How quickly will I receive a paper copy of Instructions for Use? You will receive a paper copy of the IFU within 7 days of your request. In which EU languages are electronic Instructions for Use available? Reference the languages column for the respective eIFU. Are all IFUs on this website exclusively electronic? No, not all IFUs provided on this website are exclusively electronic. Some of our standard instructions for use that are provided in paper copy in product packaging are also made available electronically on this website for customer convenience. If the IFU is exclusively provided electronically, the instruction is provided in the electronic IFU to ensure reprinting the latest version or to request the paper copy.